Pools & Roles
Description of dTeach's collaboration pools.
dTeach provides space for the collaboration and exchange of three different actor types called pools.
Donor Pool
In the donors pool donor organizations gather, exchange, and decentrally provide funding (co-funding possible) for projects to be developed, revised, or edited by the content creators (creators pool) and tested & evaluated by the teachers and instructional coordinators (teachers pool).
Creators Pool
The creators pool is the creative community building the open educational resources from scratch or editing existing OER's. By their decentralized collaboration and voting of the educational material they proof scientific correctness and educational sense as well as convincing and empowering design. From the creators pool the final drafts of the OER's emerge - ready to be tested in class (teachers pool).
Teachers Pool
The teachers pool consists of an international teachers community working in different stages of the education chain. The teachers are able to test the OER's created by the creators and give their feedback on classroom (... homeschooling, university seminar etc.) applicability. Without their feedback the OER will not be published.
Actors in each Pool
Educational content creators
Teachers, educators & teacher trainers
International & national funds
Instructional coordinators
Instructional coordinators
Intergovernmental organizations
Educational content specialists
Educational content specialists
International cooperations & development cooperation
Researchers & scientists
Educational, scientific and cultural organizations
Teachers, educators & teacher trainers
Governments (e.g. Ministries)
Other educators and pedagogues
Companies (CSR)
Filmmakers, graphic designers, & web designers etc. ...
Translators & local experts (adaptation of resources)
Roles (descriptions follow soon)
Donors (D)
Resource Creators (RC)
senior Resource Creators (sRC)
Resource Assessors (RA)
senior Resource Assessors (sRA)
Resource Testers (RT)
senior Resource Testers (sRT)
Voters (V)
Last updated